Sun 05 Jan
JuSt WhaT You Need for the Moment..OnE Red HoT PaRtY GiRl. READY TO GIvE U BEsT FreaKy SeRViCe EvEr - 24
(Tuscaloosa, mcfarland ic oc)
=♥= E_X_0_T_I_C ___ ___ ** === B_E_A _U_T_I_F_U_L === ___ ___** B_O_M_B_ S_H_E_L_L =♥= - 22
new white girl★★ ★★ ★★ •••► PERFECT ➓ ★ == ☆ ALWaYS _The_ BeST _ CHoiCE ☆ == ★ I'm BaCk BoY's ★ - 25
💕👀 THiCk BeAuTy BoMb💣 ExPLoSiVe 💥MoUtHwAtEriNg 👅👌SkiLLs... $60 Awesome By NaTuRe🍎 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
ExOtic NeW🍏🍎🍏Bottom Beauty 🎂 Very RaRe💎VeRy REAL & VeRy READY 24Hrs💯 - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
Cali is looking to be spoiled... - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, OutCall, Tuscaloosa)
🍃Cute & Skilled 🍃 Mmmm Sweet 🍒Come see🍒 - 30
(Bessemer Exit 108 Academy Dr 20/59, Birmingham, Tuscaloosa)
✎✔ A+ Service ----- I GET THE JOB DONE ✎✔ A+ Service ----- 100HR LEAVING @ 12P - 69
Experience Something New and Sexy Beautiful Transsexual Black Cherry.. - 28
(Tuscaloosa, tuscaloosa al)
Gorgeous Playmate , Ready Now! 📞😍👈🏼 - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, 💦💦)
Warm, & Ready To Play With U - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, In town, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
☆❀°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆❀°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆ 100HR - 69
(Tuscaloosa, TODAY ONLY! 100HR FLAT RATE LEAVIN @ 12P)
sexy brunette with curves in all the right places wants to please you - 32
(Birmingham, my place or your place LAKESHORE RESIDEN)
█P__E__R __F__E__C __T__█ █__C__ O__M__P__A__ N__I__O__ N__S__H__I __P█ - 21
(Tuscaloosa, tuscaloosa in/out)
charming, exotic playmate... ready to escape with you
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
_________ ___________ __________ _________(((THIS BABE IS ON FIRE ! ))))_________ ________ _________ - 22
*¨¨*-:¦:-* CUTE *¨¨*-:¦:-* EXOTIC *¨¨*-:¦:-* CrOaTiAn MiX *¨¨*-:¦:-* 80 sPeCiAlS - 25
(Tuscaloosa, mcfarland)
I will be your slave, or you can be mine, all day! You choose Fetishes and Fantasies welcome - 40
amazing skills *:* one of a kind beauty
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
🌴🌴 COME 🌴🌴PLAY 🌴 IN 🌴 PARADISE🌴 All Day $peci@l$ - 27
(Birmingham, LETS MAKE A MOVIE🎥 Read AD before callin)
💖💥🌟♡NEW♡HOT BABES AVAIL Sexy Bikini/Lingerie Cleaning Service💥🌟💖 - 25
(AVAILBLE NOW Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa)
NaDiA LuScIoUs {214}815-4770 $60 SPeCiAL!!!!!! PuRe SeDuCtIoN!! AnY waY yOu LiKe It!!! - 22
(Tuscaloosa, MCFARLAND BLVD)
✔ CHeCK Me OuT ✔ THiCK █ BRiCK █ NO DiSaPPoiNTMeNTS 1OO%%% SMooTH ❤ ❤ - 25
A FrEaKy CuTiE W/a BoOtY ¤~¤ BuBbLeZ ¤~¤ 2 Make Freaky Fantasies Come True!!! - 26
(Tuscaloosa, *°•*☆*•°*☆TUSCALOOSA AL INCALLS*°•*☆*•°*)
Brand New!!!! Exotic Thai Girl My'linn ...... Sexy Little Asian Here For A Short Time Only!!! - 21
...:*: *SeXY :*: *BLONDE :*: :*:100% ReAL PiCs :*: *OuTcAlLs - 25
(Tuscaloosa, t-town and all surrounding areas!!)
Supa Thick Barbie.. Attn. Booty Lovers. A must See.... Last Day 50:80:125::: - 26
(Tuscaloosa, MCFARLAND.. 50**80**120)
(( AVAILABLE NOW )) i L0VE WHAT i D0 & iT SH0WS ((CLiCk Me FriDay SpEc!aLs )) 80Specials - 21
(Tuscaloosa, INCALL NOW 24-7 specials all night)
🎀【KiLLєR ♥ CuRvEs】 🎀 【niCє ♥ bѺѺb's】 🎀 【cUτє ♥ FαCє】 🎀 【spaNKaBℓε ♥ αSS】 - 26
(Tuscaloosa, * iN * ↔ T-Town - - - exit 71a ↔ * OuT *)
*¨ ¨*-:¦:- Jewelz ! *¨ ¨*-:¦:-* (((ChEcK out @11am, DNT miss OuT!))).. - 21
(Tuscaloosa, {{incalls}})
Hot Sweet & Sassy Looking for Adventurous Male to Enjoy Intimate Private Time - 48
(INCALL near HOOVER off I-459, Tuscaloosa)
((;Arriving Soon!!; : AMazIng BloNde BomBsheLl : 100% Real pics r It's Free. !! Try the Best !! - 23
Sat 04 Jan
InCalls 24/7 😍😍 Sweet ThiCk Ebonyy Goddess 😁😁 MAkee It Nastyy 😘😘 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
Miss.Delicious 😍 6788268486 InCallsONLY😘 Come Enjoy😘Trucker Friendly - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
.☆ .☆ SuP€R FR€AKY SK!LLS.☆ .☆ lAsT NiGhT .☆ .☆ incall SPeC!ALS .☆ .☆ - 26
(Tuscaloosa, incalls & outcalls)